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Terms & Conditions


The photo competition is open to entrants from all around the world ages 18 years or older, except employees of Rhino Africa, their families or anyone else associated with the competition.

The photo/s submitted must be the entrant’s own.

The entrant must have the copyrights to the photo/s submitted.

In entering the competition, the entrant agrees to give Rhino Africa full permission to use the photo for Rhino Africa online and offline material or marketing without compensation. The entrant will retain the copyright of the image but grants a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual license.

Entrants grant permission to have their photos published in a printed book. 

It is the responsibility of each entrant to ensure that any images they submit have been taken with the permission of the subject and do not infringe the copyright of any third party or any laws.

In entering the competition the entrant agrees to have their name and country of residence made public.

In entering the competition the entrant agrees to publicity on Rhino Africa’s website and blog as well as any other online or offline platform.

In entering the competition the entrant agrees to a video and/or verbal interview with an employee of Rhino Africa’s Marketing team.

The judges’ decision is final. No negotiation will be considered. 

Submissions will be vetted by a pre-judging panel. If your image does not meet all of the following criteria, it may not be featured in the gallery: Focus, composition, colour and tone, dpi, format. 

No responsibility for the loss of entries will be taken and no entries may be submitted through agencies or third parties.

All entries submitted must contain the entrant’s full name, contact information, country of residence and location of where the image was taken. Uploaded files must be 72 dpi and between 1MB and 3MB. The entrant must have the file in 10MB at 300 dpi for printing purposes. Submissions need to be in .jpeg format. 

The prizes are non-transferable. 

Entries depicting any form of wildlife should be of "wild" animals - no images of captive wildlife (including farm animals, pets, zoo animals) will be considered.

Submissions of an entry will be taken to mean acceptance of the terms and conditions.

À propos de Rhino Africa

Rhino Africa est le premier tour opérateur d'Afrique, vainqueur des World Travel Awards pendant 4 années consécutives. Fondée à Cape Town en 2004, Rhino Africa se compose d'experts de l'Afrique ayant le savoir et l'expérience pour faire de vos vacances en Afrique un séjour inoubliable.

Qui sommes nous ?

Des plaines du Serengeti jusqu’à l’île de Madagascar en passant par le Masai Mara et le Kenya, Rhino Africa vous fait découvrir l’Afrique dans ses moindres recoins. Chaque année c’est plus de 15 000 personnes qui voyagent avec nous à la découverte du continent. Notre coeur de métier nous permet ensuite de nous engager dans les domaines qui nous tiennent à coeur comme la préservation animale, la protection de la nature et l’éducation des zones rurales reculées d’Afrique. Chacun de vous en voyageant avec nous fait donc parti d’un projet plus vaste qui vise à laisser une empreinte positive derrière soi, sur ces terres africaines que nous aimons appeler notre maison.

En savoir plus

Nos partenaires

Nous remercions chaleureusement ces grandes enseignes, sans qui cette compétition n'aurait pas été possible.